Happy Thanksgiving. Here's a triple-dip style of the day for you, from Mr. Porter.

Looking for places to do some holiday shopping? Check out our list of top menswear shops to grab the best stuff going.

The 100+ Best Places To Shop Men’s Clothing Online
Our completely unsponsored, monster guide to the best places to shop men’s clothing online.

Speaking of holiday shopping, consider grabbing a piece from Cat Bates. He handcrafts gorgeous, hyper-wearable jewelry from his Biddeford, Maine studio. I recently caught up with this talented, dedicated maker. Here's the interview.  

For Jewelry Maker Cat Bates, Good Intention Makes For Great Art
An interview with Maine-based jewelry designer Cat Bates.

Finally, catch up on some of our latest style articles.

You Can Be on A Budget and Still Dress Cool. Here’s How.
You can dress cool without spending a ton of cash.
Go All Scandinavian Minimalist with Hansen Clothing.
Hansen is a Danish brand inspired by global travel and the spirit of traditional minimalist Scandinavian design principles.
8 Brands to help you stand out in a preppy world.
This is 2022. Time for new preppy clothing brands.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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